DO Acceptance with multiple MD waitlists.

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Apr 9, 2023
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Just got my first (and potentially only) acceptance to medical school and am thrilled! I am so relieved to know that whatever happens, I won't be reapplying. That said, I'm on the waitlist for my original "top 3" schools and was curious how the process works now that I have an acceptance. I have a few questions if anyone can help me out.

Do I need to do anything beyond paying the deposit for the DO if my plan is to continue waiting?

When do I have to commit to the DO?

If I commit to the DO, and then get an MD acceptance, can I still go to the MD?

This school wants my transcripts, physical, background check, etc. Should I still send those now or wait 'til later?

Should I apply for their financial aid asap?

Thank you.

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I would say this is what happens when an applicant gets their first acceptance:

He Man Edition GIF

Follow the DO school's instructions with documentation and pay your deposit. It's insurance that you would wind up losing if you got an A from your favorite MD program and decide to go there. This happens. Apply for financial aid asap... FAFSA will also apply to any other school that scoops you up.
Do I need to do anything beyond paying the deposit for the DO if my plan is to continue waiting?
When do I have to commit to the DO?
When the school tells you what the deadline is.
If I commit to the DO, and then get an MD acceptance, can I still go to the MD?
Yes. My schools loses matriculants to the state MD schools every year
This school wants my transcripts, physical, background check, etc. Should I still send those now or wait 'til later?
Might as well do it now. As of right now, you're going to this DO school.
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I would say this is what happens when an applicant gets their first acceptance:

He Man Edition GIF

Follow the DO school's instructions with documentation and pay your deposit. It's insurance that you would wind up losing if you got an A from your favorite MD program and decide to go there. This happens. Apply for financial aid asap... FAFSA will also apply to any other school that scoops you up.
Thank you! And thanks for helping me previously with some app stuff. Will get on financial aid immediately.