Does research done before residency help for fellowship apps?

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Apr 1, 2017
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Hello all- with fellowship apps looming, I had a weirdly specific question about how much research prior to residency factors in, specifically for cardiology

For context, PGY-2 debating whether to apply this cycle knowing how competitive cards is. My hope is to match- literally anywhere- but my output during residency has been less than stellar, to put it lightly, as a result of switching to cards late. By the time I submit apps, my research from residency will just be a case report, oral presentation at my program's institutional symposium, and potentially a 3rd author on a lit review. I'll be submitting an abstract from an ongoing project to AHA in June which would not be accepted by the time ERAS is due.

I do have what I think is decent output from med school however. In terms of cards-related stuff, I have a 1st author publication in a reputable journal, another manuscript on which I'm a lower co-author, several oral/poster presentations at national conferences. I also have a few other non-cards pubs/ presentations, couple of which I'm either first or second author.

If it's helpful, I do think I'll have relatively strong PD + clinical + research letters and am coming from a T20 program (but not top 5). I've no problem delaying a year to work on research if it's necessary, but would prefer applying this year if I have a shot at just matching somewhere

Thank you all so much!

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Hey, I think you are doing fine since you are at a good program already. Research is good for cards fellowship application, but honestly your clinical acumen is more important. As long as you have strong letters and have evidence that you have good work ethic and have some research going on (tell interviewers you submitted abstract to AHA and currently working on that project to talk about your interest), you should have a very good chance at matching at a cardiology program. Be sure to apply broadly rather than not enough programs! Good luck.
Cardiology is not that competitive. USMD from T20 program and some extra-curriculars should have no problem matching somewhere. Apply broadly, be a normal person and you'll be ok.