Dr. Romano’s Bio Review Download for FREE in our Study Group

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My Dynamite Bio Review notes are under files, just look on the left side of the study group page and click "files" !My Biology Notes are now done. These notes are an amalgamation of 30 years of my Biology and Biochemistry work. I have made them DAT-OAT SPECIFIC. There is no more guessing and wondering where to focus. My students have routinely hit 25+ in the Bio on the DAT…..now we can attain that 30. No longer will I be solely known as ORGOMAN……. call me BIOMAN if you prefer. You will be blown away by this work. Unlike student “authors “ who need to Google and copy everything, you can join my FACEBOOK Study Group and discuss this work, and even an organic chemistry synthesis or mechanism if you like. I have verified all this information in this manuscript against several Biology books such as Campbell, and Johnson. For Biochemistry, topics were confirmed by Stryer and Leninger. For Pathology and Histology, by Junquiera .After you master these notes, you will be more than ready for the DESTROYER book. Make sure you have our newest edition which reflects all the new changes. I wish you the best of luck on this magical journey into the World of Biological Science.

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