Externship Experiences- Legalities in State of MD/PA/VA?

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VMCVM c/o 2028
2+ Year Member
Feb 9, 2023
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Hi y'all,
I'm a first year veterinary student. I am trying to plan some experiences/time to get more hands-on opportunity near my home in Maryland. What all can a student that has completed their first year of veterinary school do? For context, my school will have us do our first "solo" surgery spring of 2nd year.

I looked at the legislation pertaining to the practical training of veterinary students in the state of MD and it doesn't describe anything prior to the completion of 3yrs of vet school, however we start external rotations between 2nd and 3rd year, which contradicts that. Just wanted to see if anyone had personal insight to offer.

I am within a distance from PA and VA that I could in theory commute for other experiences as well.

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Hi y'all,
I'm a first year veterinary student. I am trying to plan some experiences/time to get more hands-on opportunity near my home in Maryland. What all can a student that has completed their first year of veterinary school do? For context, my school will have us do our first "solo" surgery spring of 2nd year.

I looked at the legislation pertaining to the practical training of veterinary students in the state of MD and it doesn't describe anything prior to the completion of 3yrs of vet school, however we start external rotations between 2nd and 3rd year, which contradicts that. Just wanted to see if anyone had personal insight to offer.

I am within a distance from PA and VA that I could in theory commute for other experiences as well.
You'll need to check with your university to see if you have liability insurance during your 2nd year. Are you a SAVMA member? During my first 2 years of vet school, during breaks, I would work at the clinic I worked at before veterinary school. I did some 1-day shadow opportunities at spay and neuter clinics and zoos.
It depends on the comfort level of your overseeing DVM for the most part, +/- any laws if they exist. +1 on the liability insurance, in my experience/the places I've worked, we won't accept externs that don't have it. If you are looking for paid summer work, that changes things as you'd fall under the DVM/clinic's liability insurance.
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Have you considered externships through corporations like Southern Veterinary Partners? They have recently merged, but here is a link. They are paid opportunities and you can do more than 1 in a summer. Will say the experience can vary based on the specific clinic that you go to, but overall it was positive and got a lot of varied experience.

You'll need to check with your university to see if you have liability insurance during your 2nd year. Are you a SAVMA member? During my first 2 years of vet school, during breaks, I would work at the clinic I worked at before veterinary school. I did some 1-day shadow opportunities at spay and neuter clinics and zoos.

I am a part of SAVMA and have AVMA PLIT student liability insurance. 🙂
Hi y'all,
I'm a first year veterinary student. I am trying to plan some experiences/time to get more hands-on opportunity near my home in Maryland. What all can a student that has completed their first year of veterinary school do? For context, my school will have us do our first "solo" surgery spring of 2nd year.

I looked at the legislation pertaining to the practical training of veterinary students in the state of MD and it doesn't describe anything prior to the completion of 3yrs of vet school, however we start external rotations between 2nd and 3rd year, which contradicts that. Just wanted to see if anyone had personal insight to offer.

I am within a distance from PA and VA that I could in theory commute for other experiences as well.
Maryland’s veterinary practice act is rather restrictive. You can’t legally do veterinarian duties (with supervision) until you are a 4th year in Maryland. But you can do vet assistant duties, and there are so many things you can learn from good technicians during your first couple of years of school. And I would hope that most clinics that would take on a vet student would also allow some degree of shadowing or case discussion as well.