Funny/not so funny things (jokes) your dentist has said

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15+ Year Member
Jan 11, 2009
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Share your funny or not-so-funny dental jokes!
These were some dental jokes my dentist who I shadowed has said in front of me and the patients.

Patient #1
Doctor: "[my name] did you know that this patient is religious?"
Patient: confused expression
Me: "Haha, how do you know she's religious?"
Doctor: "Because she's got holey teeth."

Patient #2
Doctor: "[my name] this patient has summer teeth."
Me: "What are summer teeth?"
Doctor: Some are there some are gone.

While covering the patient chair with a clear, plastic bag, he stares at me and says, "This is a chair condom."

I've got another one:
Doctor: Hands me the saliva suction tube
Doctor: "Do you know what this thing is for? It's for sucking and blowing."
Me: "Hahahhaahaahahahahaha."
Female Patient: ...
Doctor: "I don't know what he was thinking about." smiles

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"This is a chair condom." Hilarious! I wish my dentist told jokes
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His teeth are from "Emersonville." 'Em-are-some of the most messed of teeth I have ever seen!

Good afternoon "Mr. Dozer." Mr. Dozer? Doze-are some of the dirtiest teeth I have ever seen!

Patient: Are you positive about this?

Dentist: I put the same thing in my wife's mouth.
Share your funny or not-so-funny dental jokes!
These were some dental jokes my dentist who I shadowed has said in front of me and the patients.

Patient #1
Doctor: "[my name] did you know that this patient is religious?"
Patient: confused expression
Me: "Haha, how do you know she's religious?"
Doctor: "Because she's got holey teeth."

Patient #2
Doctor: "[my name] this patient has summer teeth."
Me: "What are summer teeth?"
Doctor: Some are there some are gone.

While covering the patient chair with a clear, plastic bag, he stares at me and says, "This is a chair condom."

I've got another one:
Doctor: Hands me the saliva suction tube
Doctor: "Do you know what this thing is for? It's for sucking and blowing."
Me: "Hahahhaahaahahahahaha."

Female Patient: ...
Doctor: "I don't know what he was thinking about." smiles
More jokes anyone?
Not really a joke but I thought it was funny...

A periodontist I was shadowing talking to a patient: "No, don't worry if I swear in English; you should worry if I swear in Italian though."
wife (receptionist) ; people should just go away, i hate them
dentist ; if you havent noticed robert, we really do hate people..

(not a joke)
Not really a joke but I thought it was funny...

A periodontist I was shadowing talking to a patient: "No, don't worry if I swear in English; you should worry if I swear in Italian though."

HAHA! Thats priceless 😀
Not really a joke...but this was rather funny...

Me [to apprehensive patient]: Not to worry, you couldn't be in better hands. Dr. S is the best and most experienced dentist I know!

Dentist: You will be a great dentist one day.

Me: Why's that?

Dentist: You're really good at bull$#!tting patients.
The dentist I was shadowing suggested that a patient replace one of his older crowns, to which the patient replied, "You need a new set of speakers, huh?"

I thought that was funny...not sure if my dentist did though 🙂
lol and i thought the fact that i had a SINGING dentist (constantly) gave me a story to tell!

That's probably going to be me in the future. I may also drum with my hands at inappropriate times (ie. while drilling)... I'll probably keep an extra guitar in my clinic just for when I get withdrawal symptoms. :scared:
Doctor: Do you want the big needle or the small needle?
Patient: Doesn't the big one hurt more?
Doctor: Not really, as my wife always says bigger is better.

Doctor: Do you want the big needle or the small needle?
Patient: Doesn't the big one hurt more?
Doctor: Not really, as my wife always says bigger is better.


... Patient: Then why is she with you?
Doctor I work for.

Doctor: Ok, you will need a little shot to fix your tooth.

Patient: Is it going to hurt?

Doctor: Don't worry, I won't feel anything!
One of the OMFS I worked for during tough 3rd molar cases.. Patients were always a sleep but still funny for the assistants:

While drilling/sectioning a tooth- "Can I open my eyes yet?"

"What the dilly-o!"