Georgia DPT

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New Member
Oct 15, 2024
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Wondering when everyone applied to the different Georgia programs vs. when they heard back about an interview. I am waiting to hear back about Georgia State (applied 10/7) Georgia Southern (applied 9/25) and Augusta (applied 10/7). I applied to UNG on 9/30 and heard back 10/4 so I am worried about not hearing from the others.

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I heard back from Georgia State and Southern about two weeks after submitting everything, but I think that was because of me not meeting the prerequisites requirement since they factor in all attempts. I heard back from AU within the same timeframe about a week to two weeks. I submitted everything for UNG on 7/16 and I haven’t heard back from them so I’m a little worried about them.
I heard back from Georgia State and Southern about two weeks after submitting everything, but I think that was because of me not meeting the prerequisites requirement since they factor in all attempts. I heard back from AU within the same timeframe about a week to two weeks. I submitted everything for UNG on 7/16 and I haven’t heard back from them so I’m a little worried about them.
When did you apply to each school if you don’t mind me asking? I missed all the early deadlines and am worried that it messed up my interview chances
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I applied to UNG, state, southern, and AU on August 11. I heard back from all but Georgia state about an interview. had an interview at UNG on September 6 and got in 2 weeks later. I just had a zoom interview with Georgia southern last week but haven’t heard anything yet. Then was supposed to have an interview at AU in October but because of the hurricane it was rescheduled to November. Nothing from Georgia state at all!
I applied to UNG, state, southern, and AU on August 11. I heard back from all but Georgia state about an interview. had an interview at UNG on September 6 and got in 2 weeks later. I just had a zoom interview with Georgia southern last week but haven’t heard anything yet. Then was supposed to have an interview at AU in October but because of the hurricane it was rescheduled to November. Nothing from Georgia state at all!
I’m gonna private message you to ask about your stats to see if I should expect to receive interviews
Has anyone heard from Georgia southern since interview?
I got into a couple of GA schools & MUSC, but put my deposit down for ga southern!! Wondering if anyone else has made any decisions yet??? 🙂