Good textbook on immunodeficiency in adults

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Sep 29, 2008
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Hey everyone,

Need a good textbook on adult immunodeficiency.
I'm a rheumatologist with fairly extensive immunology background. Will be working with some adult immunodeficiency patients (mostly CVID) and would like to know if anyone has a good textbook to suggest that covers practical diagnosis/management of immunodeficiencies in adults.

Thanks for the help!

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Hey everyone,

Need a good textbook on adult immunodeficiency.
I'm a rheumatologist with fairly extensive immunology background. Will be working with some adult immunodeficiency patients (mostly CVID) and would like to know if anyone has a good textbook to suggest that covers practical diagnosis/management of immunodeficiencies in adults.

Thanks for the help!

Clinical Immunology by Robert Rich
Middleton’s Allergy
J Allergy and Clinical Immunology reviews