great ECs & personal story ORM w/ mid stats for SDN standards (LM 74.1). WAMC T20s + school recs.

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Jul 7, 2022
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Given your story and your interest in cancer research, you could try OHSU. Applicants who have overcome adversity is a mission group. It's probably a donation unless you have Oregon ties, but honestly, your story might get some traction there. Especially if you're interested in MD/MPH.
Given your story and your interest in cancer research, you could try OHSU. Applicants who have overcome adversity is a mission group. It's probably a donation unless you have Oregon ties, but honestly, your story might get some traction there. Especially if you're interested in MD/MPH.
Dude this is perfect! Thank you.
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Locking this thread as there is no information to go off of now. In general, a Texas applicant should apply only to Texas schools. Even schools that take many OOS students often pass on TX residents as they can’t compete with the very affordable tuition.
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