Having another kid during MS1/2?

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5+ Year Member
Feb 23, 2018
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So I’m starting medical school this summer. I’m a 32yo nontrad. My husband and I already have one child, who will be two in August, and we are wondering when in gods name would be the best time to finish our family... I’ve been pushing for the summer between MS1 and MS2, which will be an 8 week break for me. My husbands firm gives him 16 weeks of paternity leave too (yay for Aussie based company!). I don’t want there to be a big age gap between our kids, otherwise I’d just wait until clinicals.

Basically I’m asking if you think it’s feasible to have a child in the middle of pre-clinical years, especially given my desire to match rads and the resume that will require.

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Dont have children, but some of my friends had during medical school. beginning of first year is not good, because you will be adjusting to changes. End of second is not good because of dedicated study time for step 2. M3 year is bad bad bad bad. Second half of 4th year is good.

Basically, to me it looks like either between M1 and M2 year or M4 year are best. Maybe someone will disagree.
Dont have children, but some of my friends had during medical school. beginning of first year is not good, because you will be adjusting to changes. End of second is not good because of dedicated study time for step 2. M3 year is bad bad bad bad. Second half of 4th year is good.

Basically, to me it looks like either between M1 and M2 year or M4 year are best. Maybe someone will disagree.

My thoughts exactly. Being pregnant during M1 won’t be a cake walk either though. I had awful brain fog with my first. It didn’t affect my grades but that was undergrad.
So I’m starting medical school this summer. I’m a 32yo nontrad. My husband and I already have one child, who will be two in August, and we are wondering when in gods name would be the best time to finish our family... I’ve been pushing for the summer between MS1 and MS2, which will be an 8 week break for me. My husbands firm gives him 16 weeks of paternity leave too (yay for Aussie based company!). I don’t want there to be a big age gap between our kids, otherwise I’d just wait until clinicals.

Basically I’m asking if you think it’s feasible to have a child in the middle of pre-clinical years, especially given my desire to match rads and the resume that will require.
I have many children. The honest answer is there is never a good time to have a child. Having a child over the course of 9 months is burdensome to the mother in all cases and all environments. This may be controversial but I think the best time to have a child as a female is 18, the next best time is today. I think having a child now is very doable but will increase your stress significantly so you will have to decide if having an age gap and waiting is worth it.

Just by asking this question I can tell you would be an answer mother no matter what time you decided to have the child.