Help with Next Steps

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2+ Year Member
Aug 7, 2021
Reaction score
So i am in a pickle:

CGPA: 2.88
sGpa: 3.15
PbSGpa: 3.42

MCAT: 488


Teacher- 4 yrs
Direct support Professional: 2 year (clinical)
Case Manager -1 year
Research- 40hrs due to non-science masters
Volunteer non clinical (100's of hrs)
Athlete- All 4 years of undergraduate

I am trying to think of the next steps here. I did decent on GPA repair or rather showing trends via post bacc and will be completing the second bachelor's degree. My only thing is my MCAT. Now I know I did badly (I had a death in the family while working full-time something very demanding all while still taking physics 2 and biochem). I was juggling a lot. Now My thought process is to do an SMP and retake the MCAT during that as 1) I will only be doing school so I am in a constant study mode which is great for the MCAT and 2) It can further show that I can handle medical school rigor.

Any thoughts on this plan or other suggestions?

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So i am in a pickle:

CGPA: 2.88
sGpa: 3.15
PbSGpa: 3.42

MCAT: 488


Teacher- 4 yrs
Direct support Professional: 2 year (clinical)
Case Manager -1 year
Research- 40hrs due to non-science masters
Volunteer non clinical (100's of hrs)
Athlete- All 4 years of undergraduate

I am trying to think of the next steps here. I did decent on GPA repair or rather showing trends via post bacc and will be completing the second bachelor's degree. My only thing is my MCAT. Now I know I did badly (I had a death in the family while working full-time something very demanding all while still taking physics 2 and biochem). I was juggling a lot. Now My thought process is to do an SMP and retake the MCAT during that as 1) I will only be doing school so I am in a constant study mode which is great for the MCAT and 2) It can further show that I can handle medical school rigor.

Any thoughts on this plan or other suggestions?
What exactly was your role as a "direct support professional?"

I'm not entirely sure an SMP is necessary here given your upward(ish) trend during post-bacc, especially if you focus in on DO. That being said, you definitely need that MCAT retake.

Unfortunately barring a significant jump in MCAT score I think MD is off the table.
What exactly was your role as a "direct support professional?"

I'm not entirely sure an SMP is necessary here given your upward(ish) trend during post-bacc, especially if you focus in on DO. That being said, you definitely need that MCAT retake.

Unfortunately barring a significant jump in MCAT score I think MD is off the table.
I want to go MD. My role as a direct support profession is to assist with daily needs, check the pressure, and weight and administer medication.

I was thinking an SMP as i feel like it will boost my profile plus allow me to be in a heavy study focus to boost my mcat score. my mcat score is ue to a death that same week plus hard to fucus with work for sure. Definitely want MD on the table.
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I want to go MD. My role as a direct support profession is to assist with daily needs, check the pressure, and weight and administer medication.

I was thinking an SMP as i feel like it will boost my profile plus allow me to be in a heavy study focus to boost my mcat score. my mcat score is ue to a death that same week plus hard to fucus with work for sure. Definitely want MD on the table.
Okay, if you're committed to MD then I'd give the SMP a go.
If you want MD, you will most likely have to go SMP. Unless you have an utmost extraordinary circumstance, you are sunk with that MCAT. Period (even for DO likely).

I'd say you could either retake now (possibly while taking a prep course) and apply DO, or consider an SMP with a retake if your goal is MD.
How much shadowing do you have? What departments or specialties?
I have about 10 hrs in the emergency room. This was during covid so virtual. I actually will be starting hospice volunteering shortly as well. Seems like its best to lean towards and SMP with MCAT prep and activites included.