how does membranous nephropathy cause renal vein thrombosis?

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May 23, 2013
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there's a firecracker card that says membranous nephropathy (nephrotic syndrome) can cause renal vein thrombosis - any idea why membranous in particular causes this?

I would guess that any of the nephrotic/nephritic syndromes can potentially lead to this if there is damage to the tulubues/intersititium (which affects the peritubuluar capillaries, arcuate veins, etc), not just membranous in particular?

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there's a firecracker card that says membranous nephropathy (nephrotic syndrome) can cause renal vein thrombosis - any idea why membranous in particular causes this?

I would guess that any of the nephrotic/nephritic syndromes can potentially lead to this if there is damage to the tulubues/intersititium (which affects the peritubuluar capillaries, arcuate veins, etc), not just membranous in particular?

It's not just membranous. It's ALL Nephrotic syndromes except for MCD (which is selective for losing albumin) because nephrotic syndrome is associated with lost of antithrombin III
Is there specifically a reason why it's "renal vein thrombosis" though...?

I use FC too and was wondering why they'd point this out.
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after you filter the antithrombin III out of the plasma, the first place it goes would be the renal vein - once it mixes with other venous blood levels won't be nearly as low
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after you filter the antithrombin III out of the plasma, the first place it goes would be the renal vein - once it mixes with other venous blood levels won't be nearly as low

Holy crap :thumbup: haha. *Cue "The More You Know"*

Sheesh. Common sense has to be my biggest problem, caught up in all these details.

it can show up as varicocele veins in a patient (relating to the left renal vein). because of the way the left testicular vein drains-itll show up there.