I need help drafting an acceptance, in writing

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Apr 25, 2008
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My program and I have verbally agreed on my acceptance to the program (yay!). The DCT asked if I would mail him something in writing ASAP before they send out the official "contract".

I really need help here, all the way from the start. I don't know how simple it should be, how formal, etc.

Like for example, I don't even understand how to open:

Option A:
I, John Doe, Accept the offer to attend __________ blah blah

Option B:
I accept the offer to attend _________

John Doe

I'm sure I'm overanalyzing, and I'm already accepted so it shouldn't matter. I just don't want to sound too casual nor too formal. Thanks a lot for the input!

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i had to do the same thing - i just wrote that "i would like to officially accept the offer to attend the program beginning in the fall of 2009". i also included my current address info in case they needed it to send the initial paperwork.

its hard to relax after 8 months of pressure
I think what you have is fine. It is just a formality. However, I would close with "Consider yourselves lucky." :)
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That's fine--it doesn't have to be that complicated.

Agreed, SourPatchKid! I'm only starting to relax now.
Just make sure to include any information regarding funding, if applicable. Something along the lines of "My acceptance is contingent upon the conditions outlined in our verbal agreement, including tuition waiver for x years and an assistantship stipend."