Ideas for Group Learning

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Nov 23, 2020
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MS3 here, been wanting to initiate a group learning activity with classmates. Something that can improve us in the long run in terms of clinical knowledge. Once a week type of thing. Any ideas other than simply doing CBL and reading cases from case books?

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MS3 here, been wanting to initiate a group learning activity with classmates. Something that can improve us in the long run in terms of clinical knowledge. Once a week type of thing. Any ideas other than simply doing CBL and reading cases from case books?
Turn it into a game.

Start out with a number of relevant facts, and see if team members can come up with a diagnosis or some important facts about the disease.

If they can't do that then throw out another fact but the points they can get dropped. The more facts that are doled out, the fewer points they get.
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Welcome to the forums.

What do you want to improve? Where's your deficit?
Its mainly transitioning out of raw textbook knowledge to clinically significant knowledge. Id summarize it as learning to diagnose and manage common diseases and CCs as a primary care physician.
Turn it into a game.

Start out with a number of relevant facts, and see if team members can come up with a diagnosis or some important facts about the disease.

If they can't do that then throw out another fact but the points they can get dropped. The more facts that are doled out, the fewer points they get.
This sounds fun, Lmk if you have more games!
Some of the residents at my institution periodically meet for a "Wine, Coffee, and Psychiatry" session where they come and give prepared lectures. It's for fun and education; not specifically targeted towards clinical skills, although most of what is presented has some clinical applications. The format is the following: voluntary informal attendance after work at some mutually agreed upon time. The first portion is usually a very brief informational presentation on some beverage (often a type of wine, tea, coffee, or non-alcoholic beverage) with samples provided, then a tasting, followed by someone presenting on really whatever psychiatric topic they feel like. People often use it as an excuse to investigate a topic they wanted to know more about or to test out a lecture that they plan on giving in some other forum. We've had lectures on new medications that recently came out, hypnosis, psychotherapy, CYP450 drug interactions, the pharmacology of caffeine, the evidence base behind chamomile for anxiety, and many others. It's all very fun and informal and attendees tend to enjoy it. There's a lot of socialization mixed in. Feel free to steal the format and repurpose it for test prep and clinical skillsif it sounds useful.