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Jul 4, 2017
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I have a disability not requiring a wheelchair yet. It's low back spasms. I jerked a loaded trailer to sit on hitch and since I have had these spasms regularly. Nothing physically wrong with my back except a Schmorl's Nodule and a pinched nerve. I spent holiday 2016 deciding what I really want to do in life and I always keep coming back to an MD. So, I decided to put all my effort into becoming a doctor. I'm 33 and am still in my Associates degree. I worked to fund a household before deciding to go back to school. I have to sit a lot to relax the muscles, I refuse to get into a wheelchair as I fear I won't get out. Doing Yoga, Pilates, Stretches, Swimming and riding stationary bike; nothing seems to help relieve the pain for more than a little bit. I was just told by my family I should apply for social security disability and quit going to school because I cannot hold down a standing/walking job now. Should I just give up?

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Logistically a lot of things in medical school will require you to be on your feet for long amounts of time. Often times when rounding you can be standing for almost 6 hours straight and who knows how long some surgeries go (longest for me was a 9 hour whipple). I think things would be difficult for you but doable with school accommodations. Med school is already tough, so I think it comes down to how badly you want it.