Insurance Med School

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Dr Meow

9 lives ain't enough
Account on Hold
2+ Year Member
Dec 2, 2018
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Hi, my med school uses castlebranch, a system for investigating a student's background, vaccination records, drug usage, health, and insurance.
I am 2 months away from starting school. However, the deadline to complete this form is approaching.

The only thing that concerns me is the health insurance part.
Because I'm still covered under previous job's health insurance which will expire in the Fall. However, castlebranch requires that the insurance expiration date be 1 year from the date of submission.

This means that I would need to buy another insurance on top of my current insurance.

But that means I'll be wasting about 400 dollars (assuming $200/month X 2 months) to hold extraneous useless insurance for the next 2 months before school even starts just to satisfy a requirement.

Does anyone know if I could somehow buy insurance, get the card, but not have it active until med school starts so that I can complete the darn form?


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Check to see what their special enrollment period circumstances are. In my experience the special enrollment period applies to people who recently moved or changed jobs. Special enrollment meaning you can sign up outside of the typical time period.