Interest letters

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15+ Year Member
Sep 21, 2007
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Hi Everyone, I have been sending out my letters of interest to potential PIs and have gotten very positive responses from almost all of them - but one, where I didn't get a response back at all. I sent out the letter over a week ago, and am wondering what your advice is for the next step. Do I let it lie and apply to him anyway? Do I email him again? Do I choose another PI at the school and send a letter to them?

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Wow, getting responses back in a week is impressive in and of itself! I emailed around 10 POI in October and it took many 3-4 weeks to respond. As of now, only two didn't respond at all. In that case, I emailed another professor at the school (one actually responded within five minutes) and I re-sent an email to the other. I wouldn't read to much into it when they don't respond since professors are extremely busy this time of year and probably receive 100's of emails. If you're really interested in working with them, it might be worthwhile to call the program director/secretary and ask if they know whether the professor is adivising students next fall~
Give it at least two weeks and then follow up. You want to be persistent w/o being a pest. Certainly preface your second email by acknowledging how busy he/she is and thanking them for any time they can spare to communicate w/ you.
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I wouldn't worry about it yet, at least. When I applied I sent out emails to most of the profs involved and never heard back from many of them. Like another poster just said, they are swamped now with letters from at least dozens of prospective students all vying for their attention.
Last year I decided not to follow up with those who didn't reply, instead I just applied. I don't think my potential POI was accepting in retrospect, but nonetheless, those things can change up until the last second so it may still be worth the application. If there is one thing I would change if I could go back it would probably be to apply to fewer schools that I wouldn't have wanted to go to even if it was the only school I got into (sounds stupid but I did that) and apply to more schools that are really good matches regardless of if they think they will be accepting. Call it a waste of money but getting a good match is worth it, trust me!
...and apply to more schools that are really good matches regardless of if they think they will be accepting. Call it a waste of money but getting a good match is worth it, trust me!

I agree and that's the biggest lesson I learned as well.

Match, match, grand words of advice for this year's applicants. :laugh: