International Practice Rights as a DO

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Oct 2, 2024
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I wanted to know if anyone here as a DO has tried to apply for an international license in Europe, especially by the countries in red that associate DOs with solely osteopathic practioners. They say that licensing restrictions might change in the next few years, but how can you convince a country that you want to work in that you have the same skillset as a MD, or try to refute their case? I understand that the AOA can help members with getting their applications in order for the homologation process and write a letter saying that the DO degree here is equivalent to MD. Has anyone tried this?
FYI, I am referring to this map:

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It makes no sense to get a DO degree if your intention is to practice internationally in a country where they don't license DOs as physicians. If you still want to persist, you are better off asking an attorney or the officials in each country as to what they would need to grant you license. Mind you that most countries simply haven't had anyone attempt to apply, which is why there isn't a pathway or something to guide you about it
Depends on your goal, going there for short term or humanitarian reasons is very different from trying to emigrate and practice full time.

For the latter, it makes no sense to get US training that usually takes longer is vastly more expensive. If you're end goal is to practice in Europe as a career then you should apply and attend medical school there.
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