Introducing Cats to each other

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wfr receiver_16

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May 28, 2004
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I'm going to graduate from college in Dec and will be getting my own apartment. For the last 3.5 years, my cat Peanut has lived at home with my family but I plan on bringing her back with me. I've also considered adding another cat as well. I wouldn't do this until after she was moved in and comfortable with her new surroundings. on an SPCA website, I read that when introducing cats you should keep them separated in different rooms or parts of the house until they become comfortable with each other's scents. However, that doesn't really seem possible in a 1bdrm apartment. Also, Peanut is definitely a prima donna with a more than occasional attitude. I don't know if she would even get along with another cat as she's been the only cat in the household, although we do have a dog (which she doesn't seem to like). Do you think taking her to a petstore when they have adoptions going on to see how she reacts is a good idea? If I did get a cat, I've heard that it would be better to get an older cat, maybe 1 or 2 yrs old because Peanut is older. Any advice?

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wfr receiver_16 said:
I'm going to graduate from college in Dec and will be getting my own apartment. For the last 3.5 years, my cat Peanut has lived at home with my family but I plan on bringing her back with me. I've also considered adding another cat as well. I wouldn't do this until after she was moved in and comfortable with her new surroundings. on an SPCA website, I read that when introducing cats you should keep them separated in different rooms or parts of the house until they become comfortable with each other's scents. However, that doesn't really seem possible in a 1bdrm apartment.

Yes, it is. Put the new cat in the bedroom and leave the old cat to roam around the rest of the apartment.

Also, Peanut is definitely a prima donna with a more than occasional attitude. I don't know if she would even get along with another cat as she's been the only cat in the household, although we do have a dog (which she doesn't seem to like).

Perhaps you should reconsider adding another cat if you do not think they will get along. It can be very difficult to keep two cats who do not like each other in a small space.

Do you think taking her to a petstore when they have adoptions going on to see how she reacts is a good idea?

No. You shouldn't expose her to whatever the shelter cats may have and undoubtedly, she will hiss and they will hiss back. What kind of positive reaction do you think any cat would have to being out of her home environment and surrounded by unfamiliar people and cats? She'll hiss. Thats not an indication of the reaction she would have to living with another cat permanently, unless she completely flips a bitch in the pet store--- in which cae you would KNOW that you shouldn't get another cat--- but I don't think anything positive can come of bringing your cat (if she's moody) to the pet store.

If I did get a cat, I've heard that it would be better to get an older cat, maybe 1 or 2 yrs old because Peanut is older. Any advice?

Actually, kittens may adjust better to your cat's attitude, and adults may be more mellow, so it really depends on what you think your cat would respond to.
I agree with stinkycheese. (Hey, I'm a poet and I didn't, uh, wait, yeah, I did know it)

Do you have room for another litterbox? I'm babysitting another cat this summer and, besides the seperating for a while, the seperate litter boxes and food dishes helped.

After a couple of months, both cats will use either litterbox but will still not eat out of each other's food dish.

Good luck.