Other Invitation to 2024 November virtual Academy for Professionalism in Healthcare Conference

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I'm on the program committee for this virtual conference focused on professionalism. It includes a few presentations directed at prehealth trainees. The registration fee is low and we welcome new members. Students are also encouraged to attend and participate.

The Academy for Professionalism in Health Care is hosting an international virtual conference - Enhancing Professionalism through Effective Communication: From In-Person to AI on Friday, November 22, 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET.

: Internationally renowned Marcy Rosenbaum is the keynote speaker, plus 4 panels, 4 problem-solving sessions, 5 workshops, 24 oral presentations, 15 posters, and 1 interactive game. For more information and registration: https://academy-professionalism.org/2024NovemberSchedule

We have an exciting lineup: 4 panels, 4 problem-solving sessions, 5 workshops, 24 oral presentations, 15 posters, and 1 interactive game over the 1-day event on Friday, November 22, from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET (New York).

Keynote speaker Marcy Rosenbaum, PhD, will be talking on How Do Communication and Professionalism Fit Together?

Registration prices for the live virtual event and access to over 25 hours of recordings:

Active Members $25
Non-Members $95
Residents $10
Students Free

We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

Elizabeth Kachur
Mary Horton
Amal Khidir

APHC Program Committee Co-chairs

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