Lack of Extracurriculars

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Aug 2, 2021
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So I'm a senior graduating next year with a bachelors in biology and recently decided on pursuing dental. Since I decided so late in my undergrad I'm worried about not getting accepted into dental schools because I never really joined any clubs or have done any volunteering work yet. I plan on joining my school's pre-dental society club but would schools look at it negatively if they see I only did it during my senior year? I don't know if I should join other clubs my senior year since I would only be in them for a year but will it even look good on my application since I wasn't in them for long? I'm getting really anxious about this and would very much appreciate any advice y'all can give me. Also, my GPA and SGPA are good so I'm not really worried about that it's mainly the extracurriculars that's making me anxious.

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Better late than never. Many successful applicants don’t even join their undergrad institution’s pre-dental society, so I doubt most adcoms would hold it against you.
If you have pretty good stats, you should have a great shot of getting in regardless of extracurriculars. Just think of stuff you have already done, and put it on your application. Worst case scenario, you don't get in and you just work on extracurriculars in a gap year.
I plan on joining my school's pre-dental society club but would schools look at it negatively if they see I only did it during my senior year? I don't know if I should join other clubs my senior year since I would only be in them for a year but will it even look good on my application since I wasn't in them for long? I'm getting really anxious about this and would very much appreciate any advice y'all can give me.
The extracurricular thing is more than just dental and academic related stuff. I bet you have lots of valuable extracurriculars you just never thought about about it before. For example...
Hand skill stuff: Wood carving, sewing, fly tieing, knitting, modal building, arts & crafts, taxidermy, auto body repair, cake decorating etc. etc.
Leadership stuff: Boy scouts, girl scouts, team sports, 4-H, church group activities, worked as a camp councilor or life guard etc. etc.
Experience Working with the Public: Worked at McDonald's, Sales job, secretarial work, security work, was an RA in college, drove for Uber etc. etc.
Performance under pressure experience: Military, high level sports competition, theater production, music performances, pilot license, etc. etc.