Last semester of undergrad (117 credits completed)

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7+ Year Member
Jan 3, 2015
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Basically my undergrad sucked due to depression/lack of guidance and I have no chance in hell of getting in anywhere if I applied now, I planned onimproving everything over the next two years and give it a shot after finishing SMP, here's my question; my counselor adviced me to take 14 credits minimum for this semester to have a more competitive chance for when I apply ( I have two competitive semesters completed and according to my counselor the masters program will count for another two.) However, I was wondering if it would be better for me to just take a single 3 credit course and get my bachelors so I can put in a lot more hours this semester doing research/volunteering/shadowing. I mean I really don't see the point in taking classes I have no use for aside from looking academically strong. isn't it better for me to spend this time gaining experience? Also sorry if I posted this on the wrong section, first time posting on here.

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Basically my undergrad sucked due to depression/lack of guidance and I have no chance in hell of getting in anywhere if I applied now, I planned onimproving everything over the next two years and give it a shot after finishing SMP, here's my question; my counselor adviced me to take 14 credits minimum for this semester to have a more competitive chance for when I apply ( I have two competitive semesters completed and according to my counselor the masters program will count for another two.) However, I was wondering if it would be better for me to just take a single 3 credit course and get my bachelors so I can put in a lot more hours this semester doing research/volunteering/shadowing. I mean I really don't see the point in taking classes I have no use for aside from looking academically strong. isn't it better for me to spend this time gaining experience? Also sorry if I posted this on the wrong section, first time posting on here.[/

Follow your counselor's recomendation, and good luck!
Are you absolutely certain, because I am done with all my required sciences including upper level. I have no shadowing and very little research and only two years to get as much in as I can
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You can do some research and shadow as well during your post back masters
I apologise for thinking this was for your masters. It is always a sound idea to take additional sciences classes etc to boost your gpa. Make sure you get the help of a tutor to ensure A's . Always you can add us some research and clinical experience.
GPA is a HUGEEE part of your application process, especially whatever grade trends you have. I don't think experience trumps academic performance in such a scenario when you seem to be lacking in one, as a lot of the pre-med experiences are simply observing, but medical schools most importantly need to know whether or not you can handle the academic stress and the course load that medical school requires. I would of course, if I were you, still get some experience in as well as raise your GPA. Best of luck!