Lecom Portal- Supplemental Application

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Good Evening Everyone!. I am fairly new to the student doctor forum, lol and I hope I have created this thread correctly. Has anyone applied to LECOM Bradenton? The reason why I ask is because I received an email in which I was given both a username and password. Now, under application status, it says "We received your supplemental application. The review process will begin on your file. You will be notified when updates are made". I'm just a bit confused because I don't remember filling out a LECOM Supplemental? If anyone can explain the process, it would be helpful.

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The supplemental was completed at the time that you completed the application via pharmcas, so when you submitted your application you also submitted the supplemental at the same time.
Good Evening Everyone!. I am fairly new to the student doctor forum, lol and I hope I have created this thread correctly. Has anyone applied to LECOM Bradenton? The reason why I ask is because I received an email in which I was given both a username and password. Now, under application status, it says "We received your supplemental application. The review process will begin on your file. You will be notified when updates are made". I'm just a bit confused because I don't remember filling out a LECOM Supplemental? If anyone can explain the process, it would be helpful.
How did Lecom contact you back when they didn’t accept you? It’s been 2 weeks for me now and it still says the review process will begin on your file. Did they also take this long for you?
they never replied. I received a letter stating I was rejected. On the portal, the folder items had an X next to what was required. I'm not bashing them, but I'm not sure if they even viewed the application. I tried calling them but I kept getting no response. I currently have interviews with five different schools, so I decided to forget about them. If I were you, I would keep calling until you get an answer, if this is your only option.