LMU entry to practice doctoral for PAs

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Oct 14, 2018
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ok before anyone says the DMS is old news we all knew about calm your horses.

they have now made their ENTIRE PA PROGRAM ENTRY TO PRaCTICE 3 YEAR doctorate program.


just in case you were doubting the schools level of greed

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Lol, a sucker born everyday. I wonder if they will still fill.

I see they are trying to get it approved by the PA accreditation authority. I think it won't work, they already refused to approved the DMS last time when DCOM tried to get it accredited separately from the Masters to my understanding.
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LMU also offers a worthless unaccredited MBA degree, and I heard something about them opening a worthless Law School as well. As long as they find misinformed students to buy these useless degrees, it is a win for them.
I don't understand how the doctorate degree changes anything for PAs aside from causing more confusion to patients. Scope of practice isn't going to change. This degree creep is really getting out of hand.
LMU also offers a worthless unaccredited MBA degree, and I heard something about them opening a worthless Law School as well. As long as they find misinformed students to buy these useless degrees, it is a win for them.

Wow! This post is so inaccurate and uninformed!

They opened that worthless law school a long time ago!

I don't understand how the doctorate degree changes anything for PAs aside from causing more confusion to patients. Scope of practice isn't going to change. This degree creep is really getting out of hand.
It increases their census. More students = more tuition $$$.
This will be attractive to the future PA who sees him/herself working in administrative roles...which many DNPs currently hold in hospital systems. Also the doctoral degree is increasingly considered mandatory for PAs who apply for core faculty positions in PA schools throughout the country. Without the doctoral credential, it's much harder to compete for those jobs.
Also the NP profession is seeking to make the baseline NP degree a Doctor of NP....with the immediate goal of complete autonomous practice in all 50 states.....but the endgame goal will be parity of the DNP degree with that of DO/MD. Wait and see. And if you get a letter from your state medical association urging you to contact your state senator to oppose SB whateverthatgivesNPsfull autonomy, by all means, OPPOSE IT.
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