LoR from a clinical experience

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Feb 6, 2025
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My undergrad's committee letter strongly recommends to have a letter from a supervisor in a clinical experience. My issue is that in my case the supervisor would be a coordinator who doesn't know me at all. The letter would probably be incredibly generic/boilerplate. My question is, would it be better to have a letter, any letter from a clinical experience at least confirming that I did it and explaining what my role was, or would it be better to omit such a letter and have a letter from a shadowing doc who knows me very well instead?

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My undergrad's committee letter strongly recommends to have a letter from a supervisor in a clinical experience. My issue is that in my case the supervisor would be a coordinator who doesn't know me at all. The letter would probably be incredibly generic/boilerplate. My question is, would it be better to have a letter, any letter from a clinical experience at least confirming that I did it and explaining what my role was, or would it be better to omit such a letter and have a letter from a shadowing doc who knows me very well instead?
I don't think a supervisor needs to necessarily be a person with title of coordinator. Pick someone higher up than you who worked with you regularly