LOR from faculty that left academia

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Dec 21, 2024
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Hi all! Looking to get a head start on applications (applying 2025-26 cycle) and I am thinking about my letters of rec.

I have a letter of rec from a former physics professor stored in Interfolio (will ask to update the date closer to the cycle), but he has left academia completely for industry. Will this be a problem/looked down upon for schools if he's my only science LOR?

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Hi all! Looking to get a head start on applications (applying 2025-26 cycle) and I am thinking about my letters of rec.

I have a letter of rec from a former physics professor stored in Interfolio (will ask to update the date closer to the cycle), but he has left academia completely for industry. Will this be a problem/looked down upon for schools if he's my only science LOR?
Absolutely not. His decision to leave the field doesn't tarnish his legacy and has no impact on the perceived legitimacy of his letter.
Hi all! Looking to get a head start on applications (applying 2025-26 cycle) and I am thinking about my letters of rec.

I have a letter of rec from a former physics professor stored in Interfolio (will ask to update the date closer to the cycle), but he has left academia completely for industry. Will this be a problem/looked down upon for schools if he's my only science LOR?