Low practice exam score, 1 month to MCAT

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Jan 9, 2021
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I have done content review (but it was pretty much a waste of a month) and have now been doing Uworld questions (~250 questions completed in total). I just took the Blueprint diagnostic and got a 490. I only have 1 month until my MCAT. Is it possible to improve my score up to at least 505 in 1 month?

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Well, take the AAMC FL 1 end 2 first. If the average is still 490, a 15 point improvement will be very hard with only less than 4 weeks left. I’d say postpone it and really focus on your foundation knowledges by incorporating Anki decks to your routine.
Yup. Take FL1. No need for FL2 yet.
If FL1 is less than 505, postpone the mcat.

If you score 490 on FL1 theres pretty much no way to get it to 505 in 1 month.

Also, use Anki. Content review is useless without anki.
I have done content review (but it was pretty much a waste of a month) and have now been doing Uworld questions (~250 questions completed in total). I just took the Blueprint diagnostic and got a 490. I only have 1 month until my MCAT. Is it possible to improve my score up to at least 505 in 1 month?

Agreed with others. Did you ever get a chance to establish your baseline with these exams?

David D, MD - USMLE and MCAT Tutor
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