Massachusetts state board exam

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7+ Year Member
Mar 15, 2015
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Hi! I was hoping someone could help me with this! I am graduating vet school this May and will be practicing in MA. I need to look into how to apply to take the state board exam and get licensed but I was hoping someone could help answer my questions who has done this before!

1. When can you take the MA state board exam? Is there a deadline like the Navle has a deadline or can you take it whenever?
2. Is there a study prep thing for studying for it like VetPrep? How do you study for it or know what to study?
3. Do you have to first have taken or passed the Navle first in order to take it?
4. How many questions is it and is it multiple choice?
5. What does it cost? If you selected another state as your Navle state and you transfer your scores, what does it cost? Is there a deadline to transfer scores?

I’m sure there are other questions I have but thus is all I can think of right now. Thank you in advance for your help!

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Have you tried to google it? I am not trying to be rude but I searched “Massachusetts Vet License” and all of this info is on there in the first result. Score transfer is done via ICVA and I think it was $90 last time I did it.

Have you tried to google it? I am not trying to be rude but I searched “Massachusetts Vet License” and all of this info is on there in the first result. Score transfer is done via ICVA and I think it was $90 last time I did it.

I did Google it, but couldn’t find anything that I knew for sure was totally accurate information for it so I wasn’t sure! Thank you so much for these!