MCAT 2015 study tools

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7+ Year Member
Feb 7, 2015
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Hi! I am planning to take the mcat in the near future and was wondering if anyone could give some suggestions on the best resources to use for self studying. I currently have the full examcrackers set, but I was just going to use that for a very brief overview of the content.

1) What books should I use as my main study tool? Kaplan, Princeton, Berkeley Review. Kaplan seems to be the most updated books, but I noticed that the books are very thin and have no passages... Princeton Review apparently contains too much unnecessary info but has a lot of passages...Berkeley Review is also very dense and seems not to be entirely updated, but it is good for content review. I have taken the majority of the courses that will be tested on the mcat and I do still have all of the books, however I don't remember a lot of the info.

2) What are the best books to use to receive more practice questions? I was going to purchase the EK verbal 1001 book (is this still usable for the new mcat?) Where can I also get full length exams (other than from AAMC). If I do decide to use Kaplan, what are the best resources to use to supplement the missing FL? Should I use Kaplan 528, Princeton 528, etc...

Thank you so much!

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