MDSSP questions

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2+ Year Member
Oct 25, 2021
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I'm considering taking MDSSP, and have a few questions. I originally wanted to do reserves/guard separately from medicine but it seems like a terrible idea so I am considering this instead.

Is there any notable difference between guard and army mdssp, is one better then the other in anyway? Besides there being more available seats in army?

When does drilling start for those who accept MDSSP, during residency after med school or after residency?

What does your time spent drilling/2 weeks of annual training actually look like? I'm assuming you'll primarily be seeing patients correct? Do you still get to learn combat skills, weapons handling, and have cool military experiences?

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Is there something wrong with my question?
Your previous two threads have already provided a lot of information about being a doctor and being in the military. This question seems to highlight a fantasy view of being an officer, specifically the use of “cool” to describe the experience.

If you want to try and be a Jonny Kim, look at the path he took enlisted -> commission program -> reserves -> med school -> flight surgeon / pilot -> astronaut. Notice where being a doctor was in the sequence of events. Just realize that people with paths like him are EXCEPTIONAL, in every sense of the word.

You need to talk with the people you know in real life about this idea you have. Talk with the people with experience in these fields.
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Your previous two threads have already provided a lot of information about being a doctor and being in the military. This question seems to highlight a fantasy view of being an officer, specifically the use of “cool” to describe the experience.

If you want to try and be a Jonny Kim, look at the path he took enlisted -> commission program -> reserves -> med school -> flight surgeon / pilot -> astronaut. Notice where being a doctor was in the sequence of events. Just realize that people with paths like him are EXCEPTIONAL, in every sense of the word.

You need to talk with the people you know in real life about this idea you have. Talk with the people with experience in these fields.
My threads were about enlisting into a combat arms role separately from any incentive programs. Now I'm asking about what the day to day of being physician reserve is like.
My threads were about enlisting into a combat arms role separately from any incentive programs. Now I'm asking about what the day to day of being physician reserve is like.
No your question was can I take MDSSP to be a physician and "learn combat skills, weapons handling, and have cool military experiences?" Check out your previous threads - you won't find experiences you're seeking in military medicine.

Take out loans for medical school, complete a residency, be the best doctor you can be. That's the most effective way to serve as a military physician if you choose to join later. Someone in a previous thread said... "pick one, you can't do both."
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