Medical Mission Trip Malpractice Insurance

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15+ Year Member
Sep 14, 2008
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I am going on a 10 day medical mission trip to the Philippines in January. Does anyone have any suggestions for a reputable company that provides medical malpractice insurance for a mission trip? We have reached out to one company who has been less than helpful. TIA for any suggestions.

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I am going on a 10 day medical mission trip to the Philippines in January. Does anyone have any suggestions for a reputable company that provides medical malpractice insurance for a mission trip? We have reached out to one company who has been less than helpful. TIA for any suggestions.
Didn't know u even needed malpractice insurance for that
Check with the AMA. I know they offer health insurance for these trips, so they might have malpractice, also.
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Didn't know u even needed malpractice insurance for that

It is theoretically possible you could be sued in the United States or be sued in that country and have the judgement enforced in the United States, but the odds are vanishingly small; most countries limit an award to economic damages and if it is a medical mission, there would likely be none. It is also incredibly unlikely that any US attorney would take a case given the very large cost to them. I could not imagine any malpractice insurance being more than a few bucks.

I would be far more worried about being criminally charged for "malpractice" in a foreign country. Libya frees Bulgarian medics in HIV children case
It is theoretically possible you could be sued in the United States or be sued in that country and have the judgement enforced in the United States, but the odds are vanishingly small; most countries limit an award to economic damages and if it is a medical mission, there would likely be none. It is also incredibly unlikely that any US attorney would take a case given the very large cost to them. I could not imagine any malpractice insurance being more than a few bucks.

I would be far more worried about being criminally charged for "malpractice" in a foreign country. Libya frees Bulgarian medics in HIV children case

Holy **** .... never going on a mission trip now.

Sentenced to death after a bunch of kids contracted HIV from a hospital. I don’t see how a few people could be responsible for 426 children being infected, but that’s just me. Crazy on all accounts.