Mental Health Assistant

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Topped with salmon, avocado and tobiko
15+ Year Member
Feb 24, 2010
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Well it was just a matter of time until dumb got dumber. The goat rodeo continues.

Why do we even bother with boards, credentials, degrees. The floor just keeps dropping.

I guess the infamous quote from the movie Tropic Thunder was wrong. You can go full...

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So it looks like a PA that specializes in mental health. I think it's okay. PA's get amazingly little exposure to mental health at all. It's really rare that I've even seen one in mental health. It'll also force people who get this license to stay in Ohio since it's weirdly made up just for them, which is probably the goal of the legislature.
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So it looks like a PA that specializes in mental health. I think it's okay. PA's get amazingly little exposure to mental health. It's really rare that I've even seen one in mental health. It'll also force people who get this license to stay in Ohio since it's weirdly made up just for them, which is probably the goal of the legislature.

Look how far John Glenn went to get out of Ohio. They have to do something to keep people there.
I mean the cat's already out of the bag with this stuff. Every NP wants to go be a "psychiatric" NP so they can do outpatient and make 150K+ a year. They're totally unregulated by the medical board and can practice on their own or with laughable "collaboration" in a bunch of states with the same amount of training or less.

At least this is under the purview of the state medical board and they're required to work under a physician, theyre also straight up not allowed to see a patient unless their supervising physician has seen them first, basically the way "physician extenders" were supposed to work. They're probably much more likely to compete with NPs than physicians in terms of job placement.

This is the OPPA statement on them, they also basically realized they weren't gonna be able to kill this bill so at least were able to modify it: