MMI !! do you recap the scenario?

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7+ Year Member
Aug 15, 2014
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For my understanding, for MMI, you get 2 min to move, read, and think about your answer, and get about 5-7 min to present your answer to the interviewer.
I've been seeing some youtube videos about MMI and most of them seem to recap the scenario before they start answering the question.
Did you guys recap it??

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For my understanding, for MMI, you get 2 min to move, read, and think about your answer, and get about 5-7 min to present your answer to the interviewer.
I've been seeing some youtube videos about MMI and most of them seem to recap the scenario before they start answering the question.
Did you guys recap it??
I think there is nothing wrong with recapping it, but it is not strictly mandatory.