More than one NPI…

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10+ Year Member
Jun 30, 2012
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Have a couple friends who have opted out out of Medicare/Medicaid and are doing some cash pay work, but ALSO work for 501c3 clinics where they treat Medicaid patients. The facilities were fine with it (them having already opted out of Medicare), and just took out another NPI in their name
Is this legal?
I am not very well versed in this kind of stuff so I figured I would turn to my tried and true source for all things podiatry here at SDN.

I have another friend who has two NPI’s and uses them at different clinics and ASCs. I thought we each got just one NPI, almost like a SSN for docs, but maybe I have it wrong. In that case I’ll take 4 NPI’s

But seriously, anyone know the rules on this and can help me out?
Gracias in advance

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You are prob talking about biz and personal NPI.

You write Rx and do most stuff with personal NPI.
You carry insurance for both.
You sign up for insurances with usually both.
VAs and govt places are weird... I think you get another DEA (but I think NPI is same).

If you have a biz (even solo), you submit claims with your biz NPI ("group NPI").
If you are an employee, the claims are usually all under biz/group. This is how hospitals or groups can have associates see patients as soon as they have a license and malpractice (but often aren't on plans/hospitals yet) - although the associates are supposed to eventually get on plans also.

Opting out of MCR MCA is basically facepalm for podiatry in most areas... but what they did is not that. They just don't see those pts at certain parts of their job/week.