NAPLEX calculations competency

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Jan 29, 2012
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Just took the NAPLEX today and honestly I felt like I may have made some mistakes on the calculations portion. Does anyone have any idea how well you need to do with the calculations to pass the exam? I feel like I knew how to solve the majority of questions but felt like maybe I used the wrong weight for some creatinine clearance questions. The calculations worry me the most even if they are the easiest portion of the exam simply because I always worry about stupid mistakes. I tend to get in the low to mid 80% on the RxPrep calculations quizzes online the first time through them, and I felt like the NAPLEX questions were easier but I still worry about stupid errors due to the time limit.

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The new naplex does not take into account how bad you do on a topic, its purely graded on how many you get right in other words, you can do terrible on calculations but great on everything else and you will still pass.
I wouldn't stress too much on a few math questions in the grand scheme of things. A lot of folks put emphasis on math since they are easy gimme questions that should put you over the 75 percentile. If you have a solid foundation and did average on everything you'll be fine. Like the test is not really set up for you to get everything right. If you can get 2 out of 4 HIV questions (insert any non-major disease state) than you are in good shape.
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You can't pass without getting some math questions right. You could know every single therapeutic question, and still not pass, so do as much practice as you can to get a hang of the question style, but you don't have to get them all correct.

Just took the NAPLEX today and honestly I felt like I may have made some mistakes on the calculations portion. Does anyone have any idea how well you need to do with the calculations to pass the exam? I feel like I knew how to solve the majority of questions but felt like maybe I used the wrong weight for some creatinine clearance questions. The calculations worry me the most even if they are the easiest portion of the exam simply because I always worry about stupid mistakes. I tend to get in the low to mid 80% on the RxPrep calculations quizzes online the first time through them, and I felt like the NAPLEX questions were easier but I still worry about stupid errors due to the time limit.
I agree you can get some questions wrong here and there, you can get about 100 questions wrong and still pass. You have to pass at least 60 percent of the test to put you at at 75 percentile.
I agree you can get some questions wrong here and there, you can get about 100 questions wrong and still pass. You have to pass at least 60 percent of the test to put you at at 75 percentile.

Was pronto as hard as those SDN qs? I had to stop doing SDN cause it was frustrating and confusing.