Need to remediate -- cannot participate in extracurriculars

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So I messed up and failed a course in semester 1 but I am expected to remediate over the summer and will not be allowed to participate in club elections, research, or any ECs for that matter until my remediation is complete. I had terrible study strategies in semester 1 but I've developed since then and even aced a couple of exams but I'm far from being anything phenomenal. Pretty much I tried saving my semester 1-course grade in the end but failed by a measly 4 points.

What does this mean for me? I cannot do summer research unless it is out of our school like the neighboring program but I am certain they will ask for a transcript and see what happened and deny me any opportunity.

Also, am I blacklisted from all competitive specialties? (Gas, Ortho, etc) especially since I cannot build my CV until after this summer and research is potentially unattainable. Even if it is Idk how intensive this remediation will be -- how good of an idea would it be to balance that and research risking another fail and forcing me to repeat a whole year?

Have any of you been able to research while in your second year? Idk how far 10 hours a week would go for one semester since semester 4 will be all about board prep.

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Bro - listen to your school. The best thing you can do for competitiveness is to ace everything from this point forward. They will remove your restrictions when you’re out of the danger zone. Forget about research and competitiveness - if you fail you’re out.
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I'll echo what others have said--focus on your remediation. They are not allowing you to participate in research because they have seen that students who attempt to spread themselves too thin during remediation fail out completely. Don't fall into the trap of thinking you'll be the exception--focus on academics, worry about competitive specialties once you've checked that box
-- how good of an idea would it be to balance that and research risking another fail and forcing me to repeat a whole year?
Three not-so-uncommon nightmare scenarios for M1 students:
1. Demands accommodations that are wildly impractical.
2. Desperately needs accommodations but won't accept them.
3. Has to remediate but won't stop diluting their time with ECs.

All the research in the world won't help you if you don't pass your classes. Get your house in order and show that you can learn the content beyond the bare minimum. If you want to beef up your CV do a dedicated research year and delay your graduation by choice.
This isn’t undergrad. If you failed your first semester you’re in danger of failing out of med school and you can kiss your future as a doctor goodbye. Why on earth would you think you should be doing anything except making sure you pass your remediation? Do you want to fail out? EC’s shouldn’t even be on your radar with the position you’re in.
Hey I just wanted to reach out and say I’m going through the exact same thing. Failed first semester biochem by one question and have to remediate this summer. Friends are all either enjoying the time off, or doing summer internship. I’ll be remediating. It’s ok. Just focus on what you can, for now. Plenty of time still for extracurriculars after the M1 summer