New Job Best Way To Resign Prevent Bridge Burn

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15+ Year Member
Nov 3, 2007
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If someone is keen on the company, but it is not a good fit, and or non-work related issues, what is the best way to resign so people aren't angry. Managers have the ability to mark ineligable for rehire and it would be best to avoid that.
At what intervals of employment would advice change--1 mo, 2 mo, 3mo., etc.?

What reasons are kosher? Only applicable advice. Thank you and have a great day!

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This varies based on your employer's HR and you should read their policies or your terms of employment.

If you're in a probationary period, you can be let go immediately, and should prepare to be once you announce.

You need to give the minimum required notice (may vary by role, employee type, etc.) before your last day. You certainly can offer to stay longer until a replacement is onboarded, but it may not be accepted.

Beyond this you don't really owe your employer anything if you're in an "at-will" employment state
2 weeks notice is pretty common.
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1 month is pretty standard for a professional. Just be up front and honest.
Yes, that's standard; however, how can you ensure you have eligibility for rehire? Should one make a letter and send to boss (in person) and HR?