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Oct 26, 2018
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Hey everyone,
I'm sure this is a common theme but I'm starting to get worried cause I haven't heard back from any school about interviews yet. I submitted over a dozen secondaries from early to mid august. I'm a non traditional student who works in the health care field, I did research in undergrad, have a 4.0 gpa and got a 519 on my MCAT. I have shadowing and I volunteer for a nonprofit on my weekends. I got secondaries from almost every school, which sounds pretty common.I applied to a range of schools and several were considered "saftey" schools. I worked really hard on my essays and didn't think I wrote anything that would exclude me. Any thoughts?

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When did you submit your applications?

Wait til Thanksgiving. If you do not hear anything by that time, start panicking.
State of residency and your school list also factors in here. Define “safety”. Was it based on stats alone? If so, that could spell trouble and the HBCs come to mind immediately. State schools where youre OOS, too.
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Hey everyone,
I'm sure this is a common theme but I'm starting to get worried cause I haven't heard back from any school about interviews yet. I submitted over a dozen secondaries from early to mid august. I'm a non traditional student who works in the health care field, I did research in undergrad, have a 4.0 gpa and got a 519 on my MCAT. I have shadowing and I volunteer for a nonprofit on my weekends. I got secondaries from almost every school, which sounds pretty common.I applied to a range of schools and several were considered "saftey" schools. I worked really hard on my essays and didn't think I wrote anything that would exclude me. Any thoughts?
State of residence? School list? Submission date of your apps?
Hey everyone,
I'm sure this is a common theme but I'm starting to get worried cause I haven't heard back from any school about interviews yet. I submitted over a dozen secondaries from early to mid august. I'm a non traditional student who works in the health care field, I did research in undergrad, have a 4.0 gpa and got a 519 on my MCAT. I have shadowing and I volunteer for a nonprofit on my weekends. I got secondaries from almost every school, which sounds pretty common.I applied to a range of schools and several were considered "saftey" schools. I worked really hard on my essays and didn't think I wrote anything that would exclude me. Any thoughts?

I hear your anxiety and can totally empathize. I'm in the same boat, with slightly lower stats, similar experience, and about the same timeline for submitting my secondaries. I'm keeping my head up because it's a long cycle. That said, I'm already planning to apply more broadly next cycle (at least 20 instead of 11 targeted schools based on MSAR) and to have secondaries all done in early July. Mine were all done in late July-August. I figure that we were not in the first wave of review, which is problematic because the application pool is so front-loaded with early applications. Being a non-trad without access to good pre-med advising, I really did not understand until too late that the application deadlines stated by AMCAS and schools mean nothing if you want to be competitive. But, by no means do I believe that this cycle is over for us, so I'm not investing a lot of energy in those thoughts. Rather, I am holding out hope while simultaneously thinking through how to improve my chances next cycle if it comes to that. Wishing you the best and a measure of calm while you wait.
Assuming you applied relatively early, with stats like that your personal statement might suck or you have an unfriendly LOR. How well do you know every one of your letter writers? You wouldn't be the first to unknowingly have a bad LOR (which would tank you)
Everyone who wrote me a LOR seemed really excited and I didn't think they'd write me a bad letter. I'm from florida and applied to UF,FAU,UM,UCF,USF, FSU. Out of state I applied to UNC, duke, wake forest, BU and vanderbilt, baylor and colorado. I also had 2 friends review my statement and secondaries(both are in med school MS3s and give me feedback.
Everyone who wrote me a LOR seemed really excited and I didn't think they'd write me a bad letter. I'm from florida and applied to UF,FAU,UM,UCF,USF, FSU. Out of state I applied to UNC, duke, wake forest, BU and vanderbilt, baylor and colorado. I also had 2 friends review my statement and secondaries(both are in med school MS3s and give me feedback.
when you say 4.0 do you mean cumulative or BPCM?
Everyone who wrote me a LOR seemed really excited and I didn't think they'd write me a bad letter. I'm from florida and applied to UF,FAU,UM,UCF,USF, FSU. Out of state I applied to UNC, duke, wake forest, BU and vanderbilt, baylor and colorado. I also had 2 friends review my statement and secondaries(both are in med school MS3s and give me feedback.

This is your problem, with the exception of Wake Forest, all of your OOS applications were to top schools - not to mention that you only applied to 13 schools. If you do not get in, apply more broadly - at least 15 schools is a MUST. But I would not rule out an acceptance yet.
This is your problem, with the exception of Wake Forest, all of your OOS applications were to top schools - not to mention that you only applied to 13 schools. If you do not get in, apply more broadly - at least 15 schools is a MUST. But I would not rule out an acceptance yet.

I mean, they have a 4.0 and 519
Everyone who wrote me a LOR seemed really excited and I didn't think they'd write me a bad letter. I'm from florida and applied to UF,FAU,UM,UCF,USF, FSU. Out of state I applied to UNC, duke, wake forest, BU and vanderbilt, baylor and colorado. I also had 2 friends review my statement and secondaries(both are in med school MS3s and give me feedback.

UNC - donation
Baylor - donation
Colorado - donation

BU gets a million applicants, Vandy and Duke are extremely competitive. Your most reasonable OOS school is Wake.

If you don't have any success this cycle call each school and ask for feedback. There may be some aspect of your app that is holding you back.
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agreed with asking for feedback, Doubtful every school will but the ones that do may give you valuable information; "your application really didn't show enough of xyz."
Thanks for the feedback so far, I've gotten one interview invite(very exvited) and one rejection so far. My schools GPA only went to 4.0 so I hope that helps.
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Thanks for the feedback so far, I've gotten one interview invite(very exvited) and one rejection so far. My schools GPA only went to 4.0 so I hope that helps.
I am curious, was the interview invite IS or OOS? I am a fl resident too and have only gotten love from OOS schools, but you have much higher stats than me. Just wondering if there was a theme since I have seen other Florida posters on here hearing radio silence from our state schools. Either way, congrats on the Interview and good luck!
I wouldn't start stressing yet. There is still plenty of time in the cycle. With stats like that I am sure you will get at least a few interviews.
This is your problem, with the exception of Wake Forest, all of your OOS applications were to top schools - not to mention that you only applied to 13 schools. If you do not get in, apply more broadly - at least 15 schools is a MUST. But I would not rule out an acceptance yet.

15 schools was the median number for last year. By definition, half of applicants applied to fewer schools, so I don't think 13 is unreasonable provided they are well researched and fit with the applicant. As pointed out, at least 3 of them weren't, which means the OP really applied to 10. Again, not terribly unreasonable.

Disclaimer: this is at least some percentage trying to reassure myself, as I applied to 10 schools.
15 schools was the median number for last year. By definition, half of applicants applied to fewer schools, so I don't think 13 is unreasonable provided they are well researched and fit with the applicant. As pointed out, at least 3 of them weren't, which means the OP really applied to 10. Again, not terribly unreasonable.

Disclaimer: this is at least some percentage trying to reassure myself, as I applied to 10 schools.
in 2018 I feel like 15 is not enough for avg applicants. 15 is probably good for the 3.7+ 513+ folks
They’ll start coming man. Relax knowing you did everything in your power. 519 and 4.0 is amazing and it’s unrealistic to demand more from you. A lot of II will come in November I expect. Remember these schools are reviewing thousands of app. The law of probability is on your side to get more interviews.
15 schools was the median number for last year. By definition, half of applicants applied to fewer schools.

Perhaps, but 60% of last years applicants also didn't get in anywhere. The "median" applicant walked away with nothing. Now of course OP has stronger stats than the median, but 13 (or as you note, really 10) is certainly taking a risk. If OP needs to apply next year, they and others reading this thread shouldn't come away thinking that 13 is a reasonable number of schools to apply to.
Perhaps, but 60% of last years applicants also didn't get in anywhere. The "median" applicant walked away with nothing. Now of course OP has stronger stats than the median, but 13 (or as you note, really 10) is certainly taking a risk. If OP needs to apply next year, they and others reading this thread shouldn't come away thinking that 13 is a reasonable number of schools to apply to.
I applied to around 15 last year, 2 II, didn't get into either and now I'm reapplying wishing I applied to more last year. So yes, people reading this should aim for 30+. It's really not much more money.
I applied to around 15 last year, 2 II, didn't get into either and now I'm reapplying wishing I applied to more last year. So yes, people reading this should aim for 30+. It's really not much more money.
i think 30 is a solid number. 20 is good. 15 is for decent tier applicants (3.7+, 512+)
I applied to around 15 last year, 2 II, didn't get into either and now I'm reapplying wishing I applied to more last year. So yes, people reading this should aim for 30+. It's really not much more money.
Secondaries average about $75-100, $40 per extra primary. Saying an extra $1500-2000 is not much more money comes from a place of privilege. That said, it's certainly cheaper than having to apply again in a year.

I agree with the poster that 15-20 is probably reasonable, based on one's stats. I think applicants should make the decision based on how they assess themselves, and a blanket "you should do 30-40" is what makes this process so much longer for everyone. Only 26% did more than 20 last year.

Back to the OP - you will be fine.
You should only apply to schools which you are competitive at AND which you are interested in attending. The best way to do this is to fill out applications in the order of which you are most likely to be accepted and matriculate (start with state schools, then competitive in-state private schools, alma mater, etc.). Instead of setting a number limit on myself, I set a time limit and decided that I would be done applying first week of August (when I started my job) and however many applications I had turned in by then, that was the number I applied to. You are correct though that in the grand scheme of things, 1500-2000 is not a lot of money when you consider that you are about to drop ~70,000 for your first year of school.
You are correct though that in the grand scheme of things, 1500-2000 is not a lot of money when you consider that you are about to drop ~70,000 for your first year of school.

Of course, the cost of delaying a year (unless you are reinventing) is much higher than a couple thousand dollars. The opportunity cost of forgoing a year of MD salary? Priceless. 😉
Thanks for replying everyone. So far I've recieved interviews from baylor and Northwestern. I thought I would have heard back from on state schools by now do they usually interview in state applicants later? Any thoughts?
Thanks for replying everyone. So far I've recieved interviews from baylor and Northwestern. I thought I would have heard back from on state schools by now do they usually interview in state applicants later? Any thoughts?

Baylor and Northwestern are both outstanding schools. There is a possibility you hear from one or two more but be patient and focus on your upcoming interviews. Good Luck!
I’m surprise Florida schools didn’t show you any love. They didn’t send me anything but I’m OOS. But also my buddy who’s a Florida resident and has pretty good stats did not hear anything
I am highly competitive (from a statistics standpoint) at all Florida schools, I am in-state, I applied to all of them, and I have not heard from any of them despite having applied in July.
I am curious, was the interview invite IS or OOS? I am a fl resident too and have only gotten love from OOS schools, but you have much higher stats than me. Just wondering if there was a theme since I have seen other Florida posters on here hearing radio silence from our state schools. Either way, congrats on the Interview and good luck!

Have you checked the Florida school-specific threads to see what's happening? If they're late this year for some reason, then it could be all on them that you haven't heard.

Another thing to check though -- Have you validated that everything is marked "Complete" via the schools' portals? I'd hate to see you stuck in the "holding" pile because of a bureaucratic mess up.

And congrats on Baylor and Northwestern. -- You're off to a strong start!