Nontraditional student, needing advice re part-time work

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I like bats. I like sandwiches.
5+ Year Member
Feb 23, 2018
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Hello, this is my first post so hopefully it's in the right place. I'm a bit of an older student (not ancient but at least 10 years older than my classmates) that went back to school this past spring. I've been a pastry chef since 2011, which has taken me all over the country. Now that I'm married and settled down, the nagging in the back of my mind about becoming a doctor finally lead to my formulating a plan.

Should everything go as scheduled, I'm set to graduate in spring of 2020 with a BS in bio and minor in chem. Currently, I'm working part-time at my old pastry chef job, but realize I would be better served by finding a job in healthcare, particularly in a patient-facing environment. Last night I interviewed for an ER medical scribe position - should I be offered the job, it would likely mean two 12 hour overnight shifts per weekend. My mother, who also went to med school later in life, is strongly urging me to reconsider... She did not work while taking her prereqs, but did do considerable amounts of research and was published a couple times. Another option would be to keep my current job (ironically, GIVING people diabetes instead of helping them manage/prevent it...) and try to volunteer at a local hospital.

My moms worried that I'll be too tired to concentrate on schoolwork if I'm working overnight shifts on weekends, but I figure if I can't handle that, how am I supposed to handle med school or be a doctor... Anyway so at this point I'm kind of rambling, sorry about that. Not really sure what my question is exactly, but any words of advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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I have a friend in med school that worked as a pastry chef. I think its such a cool (but tiring) job to have. If I were you (and being a chef is a passion), I'd do 50% and 50% between the two jobs if you can. Being a pastry chef I think will set you apart, but having clinical experience is good as well!
As a former chef myself, I commend you on your willingness to pursue medicine.

In the long run, I'd like to open my own vegan restaurant in NYC but one step at a time. Need to get into a NYC med school first haha.
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I think it's fine to keep a side job you are passionate about. Are you developing your ECs though? You will need clinical volunteering, shadowing, volunteering, etc for your application.
Another option would be to keep my current job (ironically, GIVING people diabetes instead of helping them manage/prevent it...) and try to volunteer at a local hospital.
Exactly what I'd do. Volunteering at a hospital should be sufficient clinical experience and you'll avoid the headache of giving up your old job in order to adjust to a new one.
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I was in a similar position as you a few years back. 10 years older than my classmates in undergrad, non clinical job, married, and wanting to become a doctor. I had to keep my non clinical job because it paid well, and I could not afford to be a scribe/ER tech/EMT (even though I did get EMT license). I did a TON of volunteering and it was enough. I completely lost any social life because I was either studying, working, or volunteering. However, my efforts paid off and I will be starting MD program in August. Good luck!
follow your passion....and don't disregard the lessons learned from being a chef and how they might make you a better physician. if you can articulate that, it will make you a really interesting applicant.
Wow thank you so much everyone! I wasn't expecting this much support for keeping my pastry job... I'm honestly kind of relieved, I love my boss and coworkers, its a nice respite from schoolwork, and I can help pay the bills! I will start volunteering ASAP.