Northeastern University DPT

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Dec 7, 2017
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Has anyone heard back from Northeastern yet for the Spring 2019 cohort?

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I've received an email saying result would be out starting from Feb 15th. Also waiting.
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Has anyone heard back from Northeastern yet for the Spring 2019 cohort?
I got an acceptance email from NE on Thursday. I’ve been trying to find an acceptance thread but I’m having trouble
I got an acceptance email from NE on Thursday. I’ve been trying to find an acceptance thread but I’m having trouble

I got an acceptance yesterday and already put my deposit down!
I got an acceptance yesterday and already put my deposit down!
Congrats! I’m sending my deposit in on Monday but having to mail it stresses me out lol. I wish there was a way to just pay online..
Congrats! I’m sending my deposit in on Monday but having to mail it stresses me out lol. I wish there was a way to just pay online..

I know what you mean. I ended up going to the campus and paying the deposit in person.
I sat in on an undergrad prospective tour since there wasn't a graduate one.
The person giving the giving the tour was actually a 5th year pt student in the 3+3 program.
The tour guide was so enthusiastic about the program and I already felt at home with the campus.
When I was a pt aide, many of the clinical students I saw were from Northeastern and they just knew so much information, even by their first clinical.
Preparing students for the real world and students being happy in the program propelled Northeastern to be my top choice in the end.
I was accepted into the program Feb 15th! It's my dream to go to Northeastern.. I keep trying to call the program coordinator but am not getting a response. Do you guys have any idea on the costs of the program for the 3.5 years? I know 6 months we'd have co-op and would not be paying tuition. But any idea of the rough estimate for tuition, lab fees, and books? I know nothing and nobody is getting back to me. Tried calculating it online and came up with different numbers. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
I was accepted into the program Feb 15th! It's my dream to go to Northeastern.. I keep trying to call the program coordinator but am not getting a response. Do you guys have any idea on the costs of the program for the 3.5 years? I know 6 months we'd have co-op and would not be paying tuition. But any idea of the rough estimate for tuition, lab fees, and books? I know nothing and nobody is getting back to me. Tried calculating it online and came up with different numbers. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

I had trouble finding a total price as well. Financial aid wasn't of any help trying to calculate the total cost. The problem is that there are two Northeastern sites with different tuition rates. If we look at this one,
Tuition and Fees < Northeastern University
We can see that we pay 16780* 6 semesters for didactic classes and then 11440 * 3 for clinical semesters. So it puts it at about $135,000.

If we use this site, Tuition and Fees | Student Financial Services it says that there is no separate clinical price.
So we'd be paying 16780*9 semesters = 151,020. These prices are all before tuition increases per year so assume about 5% increase per year.

Fees I calculated out to be $172 per term from the student financial services website.
I'm not sure if there are any lab fees.
I can't find the page anymore, but when I was looking at cost of attendance yesterday, it estimated about $900 in books for a year.
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Thank you so much. That's around what I estimated too... I was also accepted into University of Hartford in CT. It's 3 years, starts this June ends June of 2021 and is $83k for all three years including lab fees, clinical expenses, and book costs. So essentially I'd be paying around $50k less and I'd start working a year earlier. Northeastern is the dream but UHart just seems like a more realistic decision. Are you in the same boat with other options or did you know from the start you'd pick Northeastern if you got in?
Thank you so much. That's around what I estimated too... I was also accepted into University of Hartford in CT. It's 3 years, starts this June ends June of 2021 and is $83k for all three years including lab fees, clinical expenses, and book costs. So essentially I'd be paying around $50k less and I'd start working a year earlier. Northeastern is the dream but UHart just seems like a more realistic decision. Are you in the same boat with other options or did you know from the start you'd pick Northeastern if you got in?

I actually got into all of my top 5 schools. I had to choose between Northeastern, MGH, Columbia, Northwestern, and UNE.
Since I live about 10 minutes from Boston, picking a Boston school would overall cost me a lot less, since I can commute from home.

Columbia was the dream, but their cost of attendance doesn't seem to actually factor in the whole cost of housing.
I think they budget 15,000 a year for housing to live in NY, but since I would've wanted to live in a studio or single apartment, housing was anywhere from 2300-2800 a month, forcing me to take a private loan.
Northwestern was also too expensive. They estimate 75,000 a year.

So that leaves Northeastern and MGH.
MGH has a new curriculum and we won't know how they'll do on boards until a few months from now.
All of the PTs I worked with went to Northeastern and looking around a lot of the private PT clinics, most of them are Northeastern graduates.
It also helps that their program has been around since 1930, which in my opinion, gives them a very good reputation in the Boston area.
Plus if the total cost is $135,000, it'll only be within a few thousand of MGH when factoring in tuition increases.
I plan on staying in the Boston area once I graduate, so attending Northeastern makes sense to me.
So I ended up with my final decision of Northeastern. Sorry for the long explanation, but I hope it helps you with yours!

Maybe one thing to factor in is where you want to end up working.
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This is actually my first acceptance. I’m all the way from Arkansas so I’m actually pretty surprised that I got accepted so early. I’m planning on attending at this point but I’m going to keep my options open. Do you know of any Facebook pages or anything for the class?
Sounds like there was definitely a first round of acceptances in mid February and then they extended the decision deadline a few times. I have still not heard a rejection or wait-list and it's 4/13...anyone out there have any recent updates?
Sounds like there was definitely a first round of acceptances in mid February and then they extended the decision deadline a few times. I have still not heard a rejection or wait-list and it's 4/13...anyone out there have any recent updates?

I got a waitlist email on Tuesday
Waitlisted and thankful! However it could be December before we hear which makes me so anxious because I am waitlisted at 2 other programs that start in August. Anyone else in this boat? :bang:
I was accepted into the program Feb 15th! It's my dream to go to Northeastern.. I keep trying to call the program coordinator but am not getting a response. Do you guys have any idea on the costs of the program for the 3.5 years? I know 6 months we'd have co-op and would not be paying tuition. But any idea of the rough estimate for tuition, lab fees, and books? I know nothing and nobody is getting back to me. Tried calculating it online and came up with different numbers. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
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Hi! I e-mailed and got this response about tuition, hope it helps! Full flat rate was $16,780 and the clinical rate was $11,440 for last year, and they said to estimate around 4% increase.
Literally got accepted into the program starting January 2019 today! Are there any class facebook groups or anything to meet people?
@begber24 CONGRATS that's awesome! I honestly lost hope so long ago because it's been radio silence and it's November and I already reapplied everywhere haha. Are you definitely going or did you reapply elsewhere this summer?
@begber24 CONGRATS that's awesome! I honestly lost hope so long ago because it's been radio silence and it's November and I already reapplied everywhere haha. Are you definitely going or did you reapply elsewhere this summer?
I can't believe I never replied! I actually deffered last year so I'll be starting with this coming class at NEU in June. Did you end up get accepted elsewhere?