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New Member
Dec 4, 2024
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  • love plantation/Ft. Lauderdale, safe area to live
  • great match list in desirable areas
  • college environment with access to gym and facilities, young feeling campus
  • seems like good research opportunities are available
  • would be happy to do residency in FL, could picture myself there long term
  • Patient demographic fits my interests/goals
  • Students don't seem as well supported
  • don't know anyone in FL (parents would be willing to travel frequently to visit)
  • MD and DO program? (does this really affect students though)
  • Originally from SoCal, familiar with the area (not so much the IE though)
  • California match
  • Have aunts and uncles there that I'm close with
  • students seem well supported by faculty
  • in person anatomy/cadavers
  • Pomona not as safe, don't love the IE
  • Deep down would regret not giving FL a chance
  • heard about issues with curriculum

Would love to get some insight from current students at both schools. I'm leaning towards NSU because I could envision myself being happy there, but everyone keeps telling me Western is a "better" program.

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I think nova md do poses a problem that favors md students over DO. Shows a propensity for profit as well in my eyes. However I have heard Westerns curriculum is a little harder than other schools, but ultimately I feel it’s all the relative same.
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I think nova md do poses a problem that favors md students over DO. Shows a propensity for profit as well in my eyes. However I have heard Westerns curriculum is a little harder than other schools, but ultimately I feel it’s all the relative same.
I can second this. I know an MS4 at nova who has said that there is some minor competition between MD and DO students in that the MD students tend to nab some of the more desirable electives.
Is this even a decision? Western 100%.
Like Goro said, Nova essentially operates like a "for-profit" DO program. If you talk to Nova students, ask them what the administration is like. And ask them what happens if you give the administration negative feedback, and how they respond to that.