NYC IR job market

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May 18, 2020
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Currently an R4, passed core (phew), matched into IR fellowship, though not on the east coast. Wondering a few things:
  • How the job market compares for IR vs DR jobs in NYC for both pp and academics.
  • The likelihood I can land a decent job (good case diversity, reasonable compensation, favorable work culture) in NYC straight out of fellowship.
  • Important variables to focus on to reach these goals post-fellowship.
Thank you for any and all input.

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Getting a desirable job in a popular location is highly dependent on connections more than anything else. Not doing your fellowship in NYC puts you at a slight disadvantage due to that, but since NYC has many IR training programs and IR is a small field where many people even across the country tend to know each other, chances are your fellowship may have some attendings who have personal connections in NYC. Otherwise your application will be just another faceless name in a pile of applications these jobs can get. For example some past desirable IR jobs that I'm aware of in the SF Bay Area and LA have gotten around 30-50 applications for a job posting. NYC may be similar. Anything that makes you stick out from the crowd will help, and connections are a big part of that.

Overall it will be very important to establish a strong reputation in your fellowship so your attendings are willing to go to bat for you with connections and make some phone calls.
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