OB intent but possibly IM as backup

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Jul 22, 2019
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Im a US MD(if it worth anything lol) who is interested in Ob/Gyn but have low Step score (21X) with just a P in Ob Gyn rotation. Im now deciding between applying to just ObGyn, Ob Gyn with IM as backup, or switch completely to IM.

Are there any Current OB residents who had similar stats on the low end that could shed some light on how they went through the process?

I do want Ob Gyn but I understand how non competitive I am. I want to be realistic with what I apply into and where I apply.

Also trying to figure where to apply is difficult. There are places with no minimum step 1 cutoff or with cutoff of 200 but it seems like there applicants have like 230's as an average. So what's really true? lol

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Im a US MD(if it worth anything lol) who is interested in Ob/Gyn but have low Step score (21X) with just a P in Ob Gyn rotation. Im now deciding between applying to just ObGyn, Ob Gyn with IM as backup, or switch completely to IM.

Are there any Current OB residents who had similar stats on the low end that could shed some light on how they went through the process?

I do want Ob Gyn but I understand how non competitive I am. I want to be realistic with what I apply into and where I apply.

Also trying to figure where to apply is difficult. There are places with no minimum step 1 cutoff or with cutoff of 200 but it seems like there applicants have like 230's as an average. So what's really true? lol

I had a lower step 1 score (190s). And repeated a year of medical school. Pass in my third year clerkship. Honors in my fourth year MFM sub I.
Step 2 was in the 240s.

I applied to every program, I think. Cost a fair amount of cash.

Interviewed at 30 places. Matched at number 28.

You will get plenty of interviews. Apply broadly. It's cheaper than reapplying and getting interviews is a random process.

You probably won't get interviews at Hopkins or Stanford but you still get plenty of interviews at solid academic programs.

I ended up interviewing at UTSW, Emory, Albert Einstein in the Bronx, University of Alabama, Indiana University and USC (Los Angeles) with my application. Didn't match at these places but at least got my foot in the door. Emory actually didn't even rank me and scrambled (that stung a bit).

But I'm gainfully employed, board certified, and fellowship trained so it worked out in the end.
Get on the 2020 ob/gyn applicant spreadsheet. You'll be able to see how similar applicants fared this season and will be able to target your applications more specifically to programs that will be receptive