Good luck to everyone tomorrow
From Mike Scarn
"tWas the night before match day and all through the house
Not an applicant was sleeping, not even their spouse.
All the rank lists were numbered, submitted with care,
in the hopes that school "number one" soon would be theirs.
Hopefuls everywhere nestled snug in their beds,
while visions of third molars danced in their heads.
And me in my scrubs, i turned off the light,
and settled myself in for the world's longest night.
When from my iPhone there came such a clatter,
i sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the charger I ran in a dash; the screen came alive in a brilliant white flash.
The box on the screen blinked to notify me
It had just received an email that I needed to see.
And what to my wondering eyes should appear
but a subject line saying omfs match finally here!
In a rush of adrenaline, my patience was gone.
I'm done with this waiting, let the match bring it on!
As true as sdn my confidence came, and I whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!
Now Parkland! Now, Nebraska! Now, San Antonio or UNC!
On, Baylor! On, Oregon! On, Florida or Kentucky!
To my life's next six years! Now don't make me wait!
Now bring it on! Tell me! Show me my fate!
As if in slow motion, the email opened up.
My eyes scanned the page, my fingers crossed for luck.
In confusion I searched, come on, what's the catch?
And then, in awful clarity, the words, "you did not match".
My body went limp, eyes rolled back in my head.
My life flashed before my eyes. I fell back on the bed.
My throat was closing in! My lungs found no air!
My hands clawed my throat, and ripped out my hair!
This just couldn't be right! Was my mind playing tricks?
Could I really go on? Add another year to six?!
What had I done wrong? What qualities did I lack?
I must run far away and never come back!
"No, no!" moaned my voice in an unearthly tone.
I was ruined, defeated... The match had won!
I writhed in my misery, sweat soaking my scrubs.
I pled for some assistance, some help from above!
I opened my eyes to a glimmer of light, the clock on my nightstand showing midnight.
I bolted up straight, and off the bed I fell.
Somehow I had slept-and dreamed myself into hell!
I gasped for a breath, I reached for my phone.
No new messages! The email from hades was gone!
I laugh in hysterics, I feel I could dance! My fate yet undecided! I have another chance!
The night is still young. Several hours remain,
enough for at least 10 more nightmares of the same.
My pulse starts to slow, my head is finally clear.
There's still 6 dreaded hours until match day is here!"
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