Part time telepsych gigs?

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7+ Year Member
May 23, 2017
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Looking to supplement my W2 gig, one place offering 10h/week minimum at 200/hr, followups 50 bucks and new patients 150..Other places wanting me to be licensed in Cali..

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15 min follow-ups and 45 min evals? I don't like 15 min follow-ups, period. And how do they handle no shows?
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15 min follow-ups and 45 min evals? I don't like 15 min follow-ups, period. And how do they handle no shows?
Yes, no shows are paid as scheduled. I got no idea on complexity. This place doesn’t do controlled meds.
Any reason you don't share the name of the organization?
Any reason you don't share the name of the organization?
I mean people planning on doing 4x 99214s an hour for $50 per are probably not overly anxious to give out more details about this. I can't imagine anyone looks at this type of work and thinks this is going to be a setup for good patient care. I think most NPs could scoff at these rates.
Anywhere you don't feel comfortable sharing the name of, don't work there. Also, don't work anywhere that does 4x follow-ups in an hour or an intake in 45 minutes. That place should be afraid of being named.
Yes, no shows are paid as scheduled. I got no idea on complexity. This place doesn’t do controlled meds.
Doc on demand
Okay, so paid for scheduled appointment. At least that's a plus. I'll tell you that complexity will vary and you will see complex patients. Had a patient sent to me by PCP for a consult. They had previously been with Doc on Demand. They diagnosed the guy as bipolar (possible but unlikely) and titrated lithium without doing labs. Guy was most likely ADHD with significant antisocial traits. Said the psychiatrist actually told him to hurry up with giving his history because "time is money". I've had a few other referrals who had previously seen doc on demand. Not as complex, but equally terrible care (throwing multiple meds at clear personality pathology). These would be your colleagues...