PD Letter: What's in it?

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Dec 12, 2004
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Could someone out there tell me what comprises a letter from your program director when you are going on interviews to try to transfer to another program? My PD asked me today once I told him I was thinking of transferring and that I also have an interview next week. I'm sure he knows, but I figured I would post this to see what type of responses I get.


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ijwalker said:
Could someone out there tell me what comprises a letter from your program director when you are going on interviews to try to transfer to another program? My PD asked me today once I told him I was thinking of transferring and that I also have an interview next week. I'm sure he knows, but I figured I would post this to see what type of responses I get.


i've only read a few when i was a resident interviewing applicants for residency. most were from residents leaving one program and specialty, to enter another specialty. the PD letters were pretty straightforward -- at our program for x amount of time, abbreviated version of evaluations, interpersonal skills, professionalism, and their understanding of the reasons why you are leaving the discipline.

for residents that were actually switching programs and not specialties, one was a program that was facing closure so they spent time talking about the reasons for their closure, and the other was a program in administrative chaos that didn't blame the resident for wanting to leave.

the only thing to worry about is if you haven't "done well" at the program you're leaving.
I would get on your own 3 letters from staff that you have worked with a copy sent to you and your PD. Ask first if they can write a positive letter then send this letter to the programs you are interested in. Also need to have certified copies of med school diploma, state license, and residency contract and a strong letter from your PD (ask to see it)
good luck