Penn State Accelerated Orthopedic Surgery Program Discontinued?

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R. R. Hendrini

New Member
Mar 22, 2023
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Hi all,

As we are preparing our applications I have a peer that had been interested in applying to the Penn State Accelerated Orthopedic Surgery program (3 years and then residency), however a new web search online is not showing this program listed anywhere and, the Penn State Medical School website now only lists IM, Psych, and FM. Was this program discontinued? Please let me know if you have any information!

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Hi all,

As we are preparing our applications I have a peer that had been interested in applying to the Penn State Accelerated Orthopedic Surgery program (3 years and then residency), however a new web search online is not showing this program listed anywhere and, the Penn State Medical School website now only lists IM, Psych, and FM. Was this program discontinued? Please let me know if you have any information!
My guess is that it's no longer a thing if it ever was. Very odd concept IMO that serves no purpose towards the specialty or society at large.

Ortho is already wildly competitive and has 0 need to attract highly qualified applicants. Also, ortho and surgery in general is definitely not for everyone... to even have an accelerated program that assumes someone will be able to stomach true 80+hr weeks and the physical demands of ortho before they have even completed a surgery rotation seems so bizarre.