daMan said:
So I'm starting down in clinic and I have my first crown coming up. Its a PFM on #30 where my patient wants to see no metal margin. I've asked around and have been receiving different advice from different instructors on how to do the prep. I want to see what the strong consensus on this prep should be and why, so please give me your input.
Advice I've been told by instructors and students:
1. Chamfer all the way around.
2. 120 disappearing margin should with a chamfer on the lingual.
3. 120 disappearing margin all around.
If you have other options please add them. Thanks
For PFM crowns on the posterior, if the patient is telling you he doesn't want to see any metal on the crown, I think he means the lingual too. This sounds like a patient who is going to be looking in the mirror and moving his tongue around to check.
I think a chamfer all around the prep, slightly below the gingiva, .5mm will work out nicely. It is an easy prep to do and you have control over it. For PFM crowns in the posterior the chamfer on the facial can be a little deeper for esthetics and lighter on the mesial/distal/lingual.
Bevel edges can be used on the mesial/distal/lingual. When kept slightly under the gingivia they can be invisible, too. Note that recession can cause any margin to become obvious. Packing too agressively with cord and cutting the tooth too deeply below the gingiva can cause recession.
Bevel margins are desirable when the patient has a large existing interproximal restoration already below the gingiva and you just want to get past the metal. Why bother trying to place a chamfer margin below the gingiva, it's already below the gum line. Use a nice bevel instead.
To keep things simple, do the chamfer prep, provided there is no deep exisiting restoration. It will be easy to keep track of how close to the gingiva you are. Should you need to bevel, be careful it's easy to go slightly too far below the gingiva and cause bleeding making it difficult to see, finish you prep and control bleeding during the impression. The patient will have more discomfort after the appointment too. Bleeding can also prevent your temporary for adhering well.
Chamfers are easier to control, and it's easy to pack cord around them. Chamfer margin impressions are easy to read and look nice and clean. Use loopes if you have them.
I do a lot of ceramic crowns, Procera and Cercon are my favorites. For these I do use a deep chamfer or shoulder prep. Sufficient occlusal clearance is absolutely necessary. I do some all ceramic crowns in the posterior too. I find the fracture rate is a slightly greater than with PFM crowns. Many of the posteriors I'm crowing have large existing amalgams slightly below the gingiva, so I like the flexibility of using a bevel edge when I need it. PFM's will always have their place in my book.
*When you are prepping and moving the bur around the tooth remember to keep the margin slightly below the gingiva as you approach the MB and DB areas, crowns slightly short in these areas look crappy, especially on premolar or anterior teeth!
Practice on a plastic tooth to feel more comfortable before the prep appointment. I know this will go well for you! Dentistry is fun! Good Luck!