PGY-2 opening at in Marietta

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2+ Year Member
Feb 15, 2020
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Must have completed PGY-1 year.

Wellstar Kennestone Regional Medical Center, Marietta, GA​

Our program is desirous of a qualified future team member as PGY-2 position available beginning January 3, 2022 upon approval. Applicants must have successfully completed 18 months of an ACGME-accredited Ob/Gyn training program, 12 months completed as a PGY-1 and 6 months completed as a PGY-2.

All applicants must have successfully passed USMLE Step Examinations 1 & 2 (CS & CK). Osteopathic candidates are required to have met the same standard for the COMLEX I & II examinations. The following application materials should be emailed as a single pdf document to [email protected] with “PGY-2 Position” in the subject line.

Complete ERAS application, including Personal Statement, MSPE, final medical school transcript, USMLE/COMLEX score reports, cover letter to include the reason for leaving your current program and a letter of good standing from your current program director which should include: Verification of your current level of training and willingness to release you from your current training contract. A list of completed rotations, including dates, CREOG scores, ACGME operative case log report, milestone evaluations, summative competency based performance evaluations, and two letters of recommendation from faculty at your current residency program, other than your program director within your current residency program must also be included.

Please do not contact by phone, mail, or fax. Applicants with completed packets will be notified by email if selected to interview. Only qualified applicants will be considered.

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