PGY salary questions

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5+ Year Member
Oct 4, 2016
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So each year your salary increases a few thousand. However, I’ve noticed each year programs release a “starting 2019 new pgy pay scale” with each year increased (2/2 inflation, cost of living, etc).

My question is are you locked into the pay scale on that year when you start, or does it change with each annual pgy pay scale release?

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So each year your salary increases a few thousand. However, I’ve noticed each year programs release a “starting 2019 new pgy pay scale” with each year increased (2/2 inflation, cost of living, etc).

My question is are you locked into the pay scale on that year when you start, or does it change with each annual pgy pay scale release?
Usually the latter
it would give program administrators way too many headaches trying to keep it straight if you were "locked" in!!! So, yes, you get the increases as they occur.
So each year your salary increases a few thousand. However, I’ve noticed each year programs release a “starting 2019 new pgy pay scale” with each year increased (2/2 inflation, cost of living, etc).

My question is are you locked into the pay scale on that year when you start, or does it change with each annual pgy pay scale release?
No, your salary will go up according to the annually determined PGY level, so your salary as PGY2 in 2019 will be higher than that of PGY2 in 2018.

For example, at the beginning of my residency in 2019, the salary for PGY-1 and PGY-2 were 56k and 58k, respectively. Now, I just signed my contract renewal for my PGY2, and my salary will be 60k, 2k higher than what my salary would have been had I been "locked" into the original payscale.
So each year your salary increases a few thousand. However, I’ve noticed each year programs release a “starting 2019 new pgy pay scale” with each year increased (2/2 inflation, cost of living, etc).

My question is are you locked into the pay scale on that year when you start, or does it change with each annual pgy pay scale release?
I'll confirm the same as everyone else. At two different hospital systems in two different states, we went up to the new scale each year. So instead of going up ~$2k our salary went up ~$3k.
So each year your salary increases a few thousand. However, I’ve noticed each year programs release a “starting 2019 new pgy pay scale” with each year increased (2/2 inflation, cost of living, etc).

My question is are you locked into the pay scale on that year when you start, or does it change with each annual pgy pay scale release?

It changes with each annual pay scale increase.

Have fun getting that extra Happy Meal.
Most of the time you should get an increase (although my hospital removed part of our stipend so we get paid significantly less than the residents now make).