pivot from pharmacy. which degree?

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15+ Year Member
Nov 10, 2006
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Im tired or retail and want to do something different. im thinking about getting a masters degree to pivot out of pharmacy all together. I cant decide between and MBA, MPH, or MHA. Ive seen several local jobs hiring for office managers or clinic managers paying 100k. Most job postings are requiring a masters degree. I feel like an MHA would be benificial for those types of jobs. however I think an MBA would give me more options outside of healthcare? But im not sure if i should leave healthcare all together. I thought about running a non profit or mental health facility as my last job. im not too sure what degree will set me up for that. any suggestions?

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IMHO, all the Masters degrees you mentioned are pretty much worthless. Take the MBA…the US economy is so saturated with cheap low quality MBAs that it’s pretty much worth less than the paper it’s printed on (unless it’s from Wharton or some similar serious business college). Instead of collecting some letters and hoping that will get you somewhere, learn a marketable skill that not everyone has. Things like accounting and biostats come to mind. Coding of course comes to mind based on a few of the regular posters here. Even things like epidemiology open up a bit of a niche market for you.
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My dean told me some time ago that quality control in a pharmaceutical production line, with a masters, is a possibility. Also PBM? Degree is pretty limited.